What’s wrong with the soles of men’s feet?

Plantar fever in men may be due to physiological reasons or pathological factors, such as yin deficiency and internal heat syndrome, yangming heat syndrome, etc. It is recommended that a clear diagnosis be made under the guidance of a doctor. 1. Physiological factors: If the plantar fever is caused by hot weather and drinking a lot of hot drinks within a short period of time, it is a normal physiological phenomenon and does not require treatment. 2. Pathological factors: including Yin deficiency and internal heat, Yang Ming heat, etc. It is recommended that a clear diagnosis be made under the guidance of a doctor in conjunction with systemic symptoms. Yin deficiency and internal heat: In addition to heat in the soles of the feet, there are also hot sweats in the hands and feet, hot flashes (a burst of heat), night sweats (sweating abnormally after going to sleep, and stop sweating after waking up), flushing of the cheekbones (redness of the cheekbones on both sides of the face), and dryness of the mouth and thirst, etc. This kind of heat in the soles of the feet is a sign of Yin deficiency. This kind of plantar fever is caused by yin deficiency leading to hyperactivity of yang, and can be treated with medicines such as Qi Ju Di Huang Pills under the guidance of a doctor. Yangming heat: In addition to plantar fever, there is also profuse sweating, thirst for cold drinks, fever, and a large pulse. This kind of plantar fever is mostly caused by eating spicy food, or external warmth and heat, etc. It can be treated with Baihu Tang and other medicines under the guidance of a doctor. If a man has plantar fever and suspects that it is caused by pathological factors, it is recommended that he consult a doctor in a timely manner to clarify the cause of the disease and standardize the treatment, so as to avoid the use of private medication, which may lead to undesirable consequences.

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