Is it true that a perianal abscess won’t heal for the rest of your life?

It’s not true that you can’t get well from a perianal abscess for the rest of your life, it’s usually curable. Perianal abscess, also known as perianal rectal abscess, perianal rectal abscess, is due to acute suppurative infection of the soft tissues around the anal canal and rectum or the peripheral space. When symptoms appear, drugs such as amoxicillin capsules, cefuroxime capsules and erythromycin capsules can be taken orally to relieve symptoms to some extent. It can also be treated with surgical methods such as drainage, hanging surgery and anal fistula incision according to different parts of the perianal abscess. After surgery, attention should be paid to dietary habits, to light and easy to digest diet, avoid spicy stimulating food, use warm water sitz bath cleaning, reduce the trauma stimulation, is conducive to the recovery of the condition, so as to achieve the effect of cure. At the same time, perianal abscess after surgery, should be given antibiotic anti-infection treatment, regular disinfection and change of medicine, to promote the healing of the wound, and prevent secondary infection. Specific drugs used in accordance with medical advice. Therefore, it is not true that a perianal abscess can’t be cured for life, when the symptoms appear, you should go to the hospital in time for the relevant examination, under the guidance of professional physicians for targeted treatment and the use of medication, and actively cooperate with the treatment, to reduce the chances of recurrence after the operation.

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