wang bu liu xing (botany)

Wang Bu Liuhang has the effect of promoting blood circulation and menstruation, lowering breast milk and eliminating swelling, and is suitable for blood stasis and menstrual closure, dysmenorrhea, and postpartum lactation. Wang Bu Liuhang is bitter in taste and flat in nature. It enters the blood portion of the liver meridian (the deepest stage or disease position among the four periods of warm disease, namely Wei Qi and Ying Blood), and is good at facilitating the flow of blood, going without guarding, and has the effect of activating blood circulation and opening up menstruation, which is suitable for blood stagnation and menstrual closure, menstrual cramps, and may be used in conjunction with Ligusticum Chuanxiong, Safflower and Angelica Sinensis. Wang Buliuli is good at promoting blood circulation, can promote lactation and dispel breast carbuncle, and can be used for postpartum milk stagnation, or lack of milk, or milk accumulation resulting in breast carbuncle, swelling and pain; its nature is good at descending, and can facilitate urination, and can be used in gonorrhea (increased frequency of urination, dripping, astringent and painful), urinary dribbling (the sensation of not being able to finish the urine), astringent and painful, and can be used with Shi Wei, Talcum, and Qu Mai. Pregnant women should use this product with caution. Drugs must be used under medical supervision, do not blindly self-medicate.

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