What’s a hard lump near the nose?

Consider boils, folliculitis, sebaceous cysts and so on.
1. Skin boils: If the surface of the hard pack has redness, swelling, pain or even pus on the surface, it is mostly considered to be a boil, which is mainly caused by skin bacterial infection. Clinically, the main use of fusidic acid ointment, mupirocin ointment, can also be taken orally, such as cefradine capsules, metronidazole and other anti-infective treatment.
2. Folliculitis: inflammation of the hair follicle infection, the nose part of the sebaceous glands are rich, do not pay attention to local cleanliness, sebum secretion is not smooth, the hair follicle mouth blockage secondary infection folliculitis, resulting in local hard red. The first choice of antibiotic treatment, mild local application of antibiotic ointment, such as mupirocin, etc., if necessary, combined antibiotic treatment, such as cefuroxime, doxycycline, etc..
3. Sebaceous cysts: If the hard bag next to the nose is protruding from under the skin, and the surface is not red and swollen, the surface is smooth and movable, then it is considered as sebaceous cysts. Sebaceous cysts are generally recommended to be surgically removed.
If the hard bag near the nose is caused by infection, do not squeeze, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner, and follow the doctor’s instructions to standardize the use of drugs or surgical treatment.

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