What to do about the small white pus spots around your nose

Small white pus spots around the nose may be acne, mites, folliculitis, etc. It can be relieved by washing your face with warm boiled water and sulfur soap and applying fusidic acid cream as appropriate. 1. acne: small white pus spots around the nose may be caused by acne, it is recommended to use warm boiled water and mild cleanser to wash the face completely clean, followed by a towel on the hot nose, the skin pores on the nose are open, and then use a cotton ball dipped in massage cream, in the white pus spots for massage, 3 minutes or so you can see the milky white head, and then use the acne needle to pick it off. 2. mites: mites can be parasitized in the skin among the hair follicles and sebaceous glands, will make the local skin sebaceous glands secretion of oil increased, resulting in a long white pus spots around the nose. Can be cleaned through the use of sulfur soap, wash the face after wiping clean, and then wash your face with warm water, use cleanser to gently clean up, continue to clean up more than 3 days will have obvious results. 3. Folliculitis: long white pus spots around the nose may also be caused by folliculitis, you can apply fusidic acid cream, clindamycin hydrochloride gel to alleviate the symptoms. If the nose around the long white pus points, it is recommended to timely consultation, identify the cause of the disease, follow the doctor’s instructions for standardized treatment, do not private use of drugs.

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