Diagnostic criteria for drug-related liver damage in China

  Diagnostic criteria for drug-related liver damage in China: (1) China’s commonly used diagnostic criteria before 2007 (commonly used in China) The criteria mainly include the following 7 points: ① manifestations of liver damage appear mostly within 1-4 weeks after the use of drugs, and a small number of latent period can reach several months or longer; ② some patients have initial symptoms such as fever, rash, itching, etc.; ③ peripheral blood eosinophils greater than 0.06; ④ macrophages or lymphocyte transformation test (+); ⑤ clinical signs and/or pathological manifestations of parenchymal cell damage or intrahepatic cholestasis; @ HBsAg, hepatitis B virus core antibody, anti-hepatitis A virus antibody (IgM type), anti-hepatitis C virus antibody, anti-hepatitis D virus antibody, anti-hepatitis E virus antibody all (-); ⑦ occasional readministration of the same drug followed by the occurrence of liver damage. With ①, plus any 2 of ②-⑦, the diagnosis of drug-related liver disease can be made.  (2) New domestic criteria In 2007, the Collaborative Group of Hepatobiliary Diseases of the Chinese Society of Gastroenterology summarized the data of drug-related liver disease in many hospitals in China and proposed the diagnostic criteria of acute drug-related liver disease (new domestic criteria) with reference to international standards. It is divided into 3 parts: diagnostic criteria, exclusion criteria, and suspected cases. The diagnostic criteria and exclusion criteria are in the form of entries, and for suspected cases or re-evaluated cases, the RUCAM scale is recommended for quantitative assessment.

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