Will a short cervix grow back in bed?

A short cervix means a short cervical canal, and a short cervical canal does not usually get longer in bed. The normal length of the cervical canal is 2.5-3 cm in non-pregnant people of childbearing age, and ≥2.5 cm in pregnant women before the 24th week of pregnancy; if it is <2.5 cm, the cervical canal is short. Bed rest for a short cervical canal does not usually lengthen the cervical canal, and in pregnant women, bed rest reduces the risk of miscarriage or preterm labor. If the patient does not have a need to have children and develops cervical canal infection, no treatment is needed at this time and close observation is sufficient. However, patients with reproductive needs should consult the doctor in time and choose conservative treatment or cervical cerclage according to their situation. If patients with family planning have short cervical canal, they should go to the hospital in time, and choose the appropriate treatment plan under the guidance of the doctor, so as not to delay the condition.

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