Can ectopic pregnancy be ruled out at 5 weeks?

Whether a patient can rule out ectopic pregnancy at 5 weeks of menopause depends on the circumstances. If the patient usually has irregular menstruation, with a period of 40-50 days or even longer, or if she usually has regular menstruation but ovulates late at the time of this conception, or if the patient has a normal ovulation and a normal intrauterine pregnancy, but the gestational sac is not active and grows slowly, there is no way to determine whether the pregnancy is intrauterine or extrauterine because there is no way to see the location of the gestational sac on the ultrasound. It is impossible to accurately determine whether the pregnancy is intrauterine or ectopic by relying solely on blood chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone. If the patient has regular menstruation and the embryo is well developed and the pregnancy is intrauterine, it is possible to determine whether the pregnancy is intrauterine or extrauterine on the 35th day of menopause, because at this time, the intrauterine gestational sac is about 0.6-0.8 cm visible on ultrasound.

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