What is the burning pain in the urethra after circumcision?

Burning pain in the urethra after circumcision may be caused by surgical stimulation, inflammation of the urethra, clothing friction and other reasons. 1. Surgical stimulation: As circumcision is an invasive surgery, the anesthetic effect disappears after the operation, the wound is painful, and there can be a burning sensation in the urethra. 2. Inflammation of the urethra: after circumcision, the wound is prone to infection, bacterial invasion of the urethra produces inflammation, which can cause urinary tract irritation such as frequent urination, urinary urgency, urinary pain and so on, and there will be burning sensation of the urethra. 3. clothing friction: circumcision patients, the urethral opening is in the package of the foreskin for a long time, the local more sensitive. After surgery, if the intimate apparel, such as underwear and other rough and hard material, will rub and irritate the skin as well as the wound, may lead to the urethral urethral stinging performance. Burning sensation on the urethra after circumcision can also be seen in other causes, if the symptoms persist or aggravate, it is recommended to go to the regular hospital in a timely manner, under the guidance of the doctor for treatment, and strive for early recovery.

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