What does pseudohyperthyroidism mean?

There is no clinical concept of pseudohyperthyroidism. Pseudohyperthyroidism is generally used as a surrogate for transient hyperthyroidism caused by certain diseases, such as acute thyroiditis. Acute thyroiditis is caused by a bacterial infection that destroys the thyroid cells and causes a transient release of thyroid hormones into the bloodstream, resulting in elevated levels of thyroid hormones. In addition, subacute thyroiditis may also present with transient hyperthyroidism. For acute thyroiditis, which is most often caused by bacterial infection, antibiotic anti-infection treatment, such as penicillin, is usually required. Subacute thyroiditis is self-limiting and can be controlled with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen. It is recommended that the patient under the guidance of a professional doctor, combined with the specific cause of the disease, symptomatic standardized treatment, in order to restore health as soon as possible.

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