What are the dangers of a protruding alveolar bone?

Protrusion of the alveolar bone including the overall arch of the teeth, commonly known as buck teeth, can be treated perfectly in childhood with orthodontic treatment. In the case of adults, light cases can be treated by orthodontic methods, and heavy cases should be treated by additional orthognathic surgery. The main hazards to patients are: 1, causing chewing function disorders and aesthetic problems, easily causing psychological barriers to patients, causing great impact on work, study and life; 2, the protrusion of part of the dental arch, that is, the usual bone bulge, bone hyperplasia, in normal adults if there are teeth, there is no great impact, can be observed for treatment. In the case of elderly people who need denture restoration, this kind of bone augmentation will often form a denture that is not easily seated or easily cause pressure irritation when seated, forming ulcers or painful discomfort. In this case, a maxillofacial surgeon is required to perform the revision of the bone augmentation before the next step of denture restoration can be performed; 3. Trauma to the alveolar bone caused by tooth extraction and fracture can easily cause bone augmentation, which also needs to be removed surgically.

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