Does the chiropractor work

For the chiropractor is useful or not, mainly depends on the type of spinal disease, more common is cervical spondylosis and lumbar spondylosis. Cervical spondylosis applies to mild cervical curvature straightening, accompanied by muscle tension in the rear, the use of chiropractors is useful, because mild cervical physiological curvature straightening of the rear muscles in a relatively tense state, through the vibration of the massager or heat can make the muscles relaxed, to play a therapeutic effect. If it is a heavy spinal physiological curvature straightening or even anti-arch, the effect of the massager is not good, this time it is necessary to combine orthopedic or posture correction methods of treatment. If the cervical intervertebral disc compression to the upper extremity of the nerve, and the upper extremity of the radiating pain, this case also combined with traction for treatment, chiropractor can only play a supplementary therapeutic effect. If the cervical spondylosis is very serious, accompanied by unstable walking or stepping on cotton feeling, indicating that the cervical disc herniation has been very serious, causing spinal stenosis, this time prohibit the use of massager, because the vibration of massage may make the herniation aggravated, thus causing more serious symptoms. If the patient only lumbar pain, accompanied by hip pain, you can use the massager for treatment. If it is accompanied by very obvious radiating pain in the lower limbs, or intermittent claudication and other symptoms of spinal stenosis, the main problem is in the nerves, and the massager does not work as deeply as it should, so the effect is not good.

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