What stage of squamous lung cancer is t2n0m0?

According to international TNM staging, lung squamous carcinoma T2N0M0 belongs to stage 1, which is early stage. For patients with lung squamous cancer T2N0M0, T2 represents the size of the lump, which means the diameter of the lump is more than 3cm and less than 5cm, N0 represents that the patient has lymph node metastasis, and M0 represents that the patient does not have distant metastasis, which means that the patient belongs to the early stage of squamous lung cancer from the patient’s current staging. Early stage squamous lung cancer can be cured by actively cooperating with doctor’s treatment and resecting lung tumor through thoracoscopic surgery, and after surgery, patients should routinely be sent for pathological biopsy to further clarify the nature of the tumor, which is of great significance in prolonging patients’ life and improving their quality of life. If the patient is not feeling well, he should go to the hospital in time to avoid carelessness, so as not to delay the treatment.

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