Enlarged jaw angle, square face, wide jaw

  The “duck egg” and “melon” shaped face is considered to be a beautiful face shape for women. A wide jaw is a square-shaped face and a “Chinese character face”. The face appears to have strong bones and is not considered beautiful in women. Doctors have a way to change the shape of the face from a “country face” to a “duck egg” or “melon” shape. The main cause of a wide jaw is the enlargement of the bones and muscles in the jaw angle.  Surgery is performed to remove and cut the excess bone. The enlarged muscles will shrink to some extent after the surgery. A simple muscle ablation procedure can also be done. Jaw angle removal and jaw bone outer plate grinding with muscle ablation are the methods commonly used by Prof. Yoo today.  The surgery requires a hospital stay of about one week. It is best to choose to operate under general anesthesia.

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