Is herpes hereditary?

There are more types of herpes, including herpes simplex, herpes zoster and genital herpes, etc. It is usually not hereditary and is mainly caused by viral infection of the organism. Herpes is a human herpes virus infection caused by skin, mucous membrane changes mainly a class of diseases, the patient will mainly appear blisters, fever, local lymphatic swelling and other symptoms. Herpes is mainly transmitted through direct contact, indirect contact, sexual contact, and mother-to-child transmission, and is not hereditary. In addition, herpes may also be triggered if the patient suffers from low immune function, skin trauma, overwork and other conditions. Herpes is not hereditary, patients need to pay attention to the daily rest, do not stay up late. Light diet, avoid spicy and stimulating food. Pay attention to personal hygiene, avoid scratching the affected area, prevent bacterial infection.

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