Can I use erythromycin ointment for eczema?

If eczema is combined with infection, erythromycin ointment can be used. If eczema is not combined with infection, it is not recommended to use erythromycin ointment, eczema is a metabolic disease, erythromycin ointment is mainly a topical anti-infection drug, and is not applicable to eczema without infection. If you have eczema, it is advisable to seek medical attention in a timely manner and use the medication as prescribed by the doctor. If you have exudation, you can use a solution to apply wet compresses, and if you do not have exudation, you can give anti-allergy topical medication, such as non-hormonal butyl hydroxy acid, zinc oxide, hydrocortisone cream and mometasone furoate cream containing glucocorticoids. Eczema requires avoiding contact with suspected allergens, excessive scalding and scratching, spicy and irritating foods, moisturizing the skin, and not touching water when there is a break, to avoid infection.

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