What is the fastest herbal remedy for yin deficiency

There is no such thing as the fastest traditional Chinese medicine to replenish yin deficiency, the drug should be selected according to the condition, the efficacy of a single traditional Chinese medicine is weak, and the effect is slow, there are many yin replenishment drugs, commonly used drugs such as lily, maitake, chasteberry and so on.
1. Lily has the effect of clearing the heart and tranquilizing the mind, nourishing Yin and moisturizing the lungs. It is used for the treatment of insomnia and palpitations of yin deficiency and heat, yin deficiency and dry cough, coughing up blood with labor. Its adverse reactions and contraindications are not clear.
2. The efficacy of Ophiopogon is to produce fluid to quench thirst, moisten the lung and relieve cough. It is used for treating consumptive cough, dry cough, paralysis of the throat (redness, swelling and pain in the throat, or dryness, foreign body sensation, or itchy discomfort in the throat, dysphagia), sore throat, constipation, fluid injury, thirst and insomnia, etc. Its adverse reactions, contraindications and precautions are not clear. Its adverse reactions and contraindications, precautions are not yet clear.
3. The efficacy of Chasteberry is to nourish the liver and kidney, brighten the eyes and darken the hair. It is used for treating forgetfulness and tinnitus, lumbar and knee pain, internal heat due to yin deficiency, bone vapor, spermatorrhea, premature whitening of beard and hair, night sweating (sweating abnormally after falling asleep, but sweating stops after waking up), and darkness of the eyes and darkness of the eyes. Its adverse reactions and contraindications, precautions are not yet clear.
If you feel unwell, please seek medical advice and use the medicine under the guidance of doctor’s diagnosis, do not use the medicine on your own, so as not to cause damage to the organism.

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