Notes on gastric CT examination

  After gastroscopy reveals gastric cancer (or gastric ulcer, gastric tumor, gastric atypical hyperplasia, and other gastric lesions), the outpatient physician may recommend the patient to proceed to abdominal CT examination. However, in today’s domestic hospitals, not every outpatient physician is a specialist in gastric cancer and an imaging physician; even if they are, they may not have enough time to explain to patients in detail the key points of preparation before CT examination. And when patients finally have their abdominal CT done after a long and tiring queue, the clarity is often not up to the requirements of specialized treatment for gastric cancer.  In order to have a clearer CT, you need to correct some views: 1. Whether the CT is good or not is only related to the advanced equipment of the hospital, not the patient.  2. No matter what kind of disease you see, the CT examination requirements are the same.  3. If CT is done according to the arrangement of imaging doctors, the clarity will definitely meet the requirements of professional treatment for gastric cancer.  We suggest patients with gastric cancer to perform abdominal CT examination according to the following points: 1. Enhanced CT of whole abdomen. 2. Fasting within 6 hours before CT examination, and drinking water is allowed.  3. Take 20mg of scopolamine orally or 10mg of scopolamine intramuscularly within 1-3 hours before the examination (to facilitate the stretching of stomach wall after drinking).  4.After entering the CT examination room, when getting on the CT examination bed, drink 1500ml of water (about 3 bottles of pure water) quickly within 2 minutes.  Note: 1. Do not drink the water needed for the examination in advance: the water drunk into the stomach will be completely emptied after about 10 minutes, and even if a little is left, it is still far from what is needed for the examination; therefore, do not drink the water needed for the examination too early before getting on the CT examination bed; occasionally, there may be medical staff who do not understand the situation and tell the patient, “You are the next person to be examined, so drink water now! “Do not listen to this instruction, because it is possible that 2 minutes after the patient drinks water, it is not his turn to do the examination, and all the efforts are wasted; master one point: do not enter the CT examination room, resolutely do not drink the water required for the examination; after entering the examination room, quickly drink 1500 ml of water.  2. before you can always drink sugar water, or other dregs-free solutions (such as supermarkets sell sports drinks such as pulsation and activation).  3. For patients with a history of glaucoma, scopolamine is prohibited before the examination.

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