Effects of Glutinous Rice

Glutinous rice, also known as yuan rice, river rice, warm, sweet flavor, the spleen, stomach, lung meridian. Effects: Tonifying the middle Jiao, strengthening the spleen, stopping diarrhea, reducing urination and astringent sweating. Applicable people: glutinous rice and yam together can be used for poor function of the spleen and stomach, eat cold easily diarrhea. Nutritional value: Glutinous rice mainly contains branched-chain starch, protein, B vitamins and trace elements and other nutrients. Method of consumption: glutinous rice is suitable for making porridge, dumplings, rice cakes and other food. Precautions: Glutinous rice is warm, people with dampness and heat in the body should be careful to eat. In the case of daily consumption, food efficacy is limited, can not play a role in the treatment of disease. If you have any symptoms, please consult a doctor in time to avoid delay.

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