Can you crack a tooth in half without repairing it?

A tooth cracked in half may be caused by factors such as cryptocleidosis and fracture of the tooth, which usually need to be repaired to avoid causing serious oral problems. 1. Cracked tooth: This disease is caused with weak tooth structure, pointed slant, improper bite and other factors, patients will experience prolonged chewing discomfort or bite pain, and the symptoms can not be relieved by themselves without timely treatment. 2. Fracture: the disease is generally caused by external forces on the teeth, fracture occurs in the crown, the teeth are generally not loose; root fracture, often loose, the closer the fracture site of the neck of the tooth, the more the tooth loosening, the prognosis is poor. If symptoms such as pain and edema occur, untimely repair may lead to complications such as gum tearing, pulp congestion and pulp necrosis. There are many factors that can cause a tooth to crack in half, which can be treated in a timely manner to avoid serious complications.

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