What is the ear patch treatment for falling sleep

Ear stickers should be said to be the ear acupuncture point pressure beans, after falling asleep can paste cervical vertebrae, shoulder, Shenmen points, etc. for ear acupuncture point pressure beans. 1. Cervical vertebrae: the cervical vertebrae area of the ear is located in the body of the opposite earwheel, the wheel screen cut to the opposite earwheel on the lower foot bifurcation is divided into 5 equal parts, and its lower 1/5 for the cervical vertebrae area. For cervical spondylosis, pillow, etc. has a certain effect. 2. Shoulder area: the shoulder area of the ear is located at the same level as the incision on the screen of the ear boat, for shoulder pain and discomfort, as well as pillow or cervical spondylosis caused by the unfavorable side of the turn has a certain effect. 3. Shenmen: The Shenmen point of the ear is located between the upper and lower feet of the earwheel, i.e., the upper part of the posterior 1/3 of the triangle fossa, i.e., the triangle fossa 4 area. For sleep disorders, cervical spondylosis caused by insomnia, etc. has a certain effect of relief. In the above auricular acupuncture points for auricular pressure beans for sleeplessness has a certain relief effect, the efficacy varies from person to person, affixed from time to time after the kneading, pressing, pinching, pressure, so that the local production of acidity, numbness, distension, pain, in order to strengthen the efficacy of the treatment, do not carry out the ear sticker by yourself, please go to the regular hospital in a timely manner in order to avoid delays in the condition.

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