What causes your face to get hot in the morning and get better in the afternoon?

There are many reasons why the face is hot in the morning and goes away in the afternoon, which may be related to physiological factors, as well as allergic diseases and infectious diseases. 1. Physiological factors: due to the patient’s mental overstress, after exercise, taking spicy and stimulating food and drinking alcohol, may lead to facial vasodilatation, which will make the local skin appear in the morning face hot, and gradually disappear in the afternoon phenomenon. 2. Allergic diseases: when patients have contact dermatitis, rashes and other diseases, the local skin may appear in the morning redness and burning, itching and other symptoms. 3. Infectious diseases: when patients with folliculitis and other purulent skin infections, may also lead to facial skin in the morning face hot in the afternoon on the phenomenon. The above are only some of the common causes. If the symptoms persist or accompanied by other symptoms, you need to go to the hospital in time, after a clear diagnosis under the guidance of the doctor for treatment.

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