What’s with the shadow on the pancreas?

Shadows on the pancreas may be caused by non-disease factors or may be associated with pathologic factors such as pancreatitis, pancreatic atrophy, and pancreatic space-occupying lesions.
1. Non-pathological factors
If obese people have more fat, there may be abnormal fat infiltration in the pancreas, which may cause uneven density in the pancreas, and the shadow on the pancreas may be manifested by imaging examination.
2. Pathologic factors
(1) Pancreatitis: long-term alcohol consumption, overeating and other bad habits can cause inflammation of the pancreas, and the inflammation stimulates the pancreas and causes localized calcification foci. Imaging examination can be manifested as shadows on the pancreas, and at the same time, nausea, abdominal pain, fever and other symptoms can occur.
(2) Pancreatic atrophy: mostly related to irregular diet and long-term alcohol consumption, which can cause loss of pancreatic function and lead to pancreatic atrophy. Due to the uneven density on the surface of the pancreas, it can be manifested as shadows on the pancreas on the imaging examination, and can be accompanied by symptoms such as loss of appetite and abdominal distension.
(3) Pancreatic space-occupying lesions: such as benign pancreatic tumors, pancreatic cysts, malignant pancreatic tumors, etc., can also be manifested as shadows on the pancreas. If malignant lesions can also appear abdominal distension, abdominal pain, dyspepsia and other symptoms.
Patients with shadows on the pancreas should consult a doctor in time to find out the cause of the shadows and treat them actively to avoid delaying the condition.

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