Does Fotarolim have an anti-inflammatory effect?

Fotarine, which is a prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor, is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic, usually applied topically, the active ingredient can penetrate the skin to reach the inflammatory area, can relieve the acute or chronic inflammatory response, can make the inflammation swelling reduce, pain has significant relief. Its scientific name is diclofenac diethylamine emulsion, the trade name is Fotarine, generally there is Fotarine emulsion, is external, there is also Fotarine tablets, is oral, mainly used to relieve muscle soft tissue, and mild to moderate joint pain, if muscle or soft tissue sprains, strains, contusions or muscle strain, back muscle injury caused by these pain, and joint soreness, can be used Fotarine If the muscle or soft tissue sprains, strains, contusions or muscle strains, these pains caused by lumbar and back muscle injuries, as well as joint soreness and swelling, can be treated symptomatically with Fotarine tablets or topical Fotarine cream. However, when using this drug, pay attention to its adverse reactions, patients with allergies to fotarine is prohibited, if the application of fotarine tablets appear papules or skin redness, edema, itching, to stop using, and to seek medical attention to avoid serious adverse consequences.

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