What’s wrong with cracked fingertips?

The causes of cracked fingertips mainly include the following aspects: first, chronic eczema leads to skin local tissue hyperplasia keratinization, which affects the secretion of sebaceous glands and sweat glands in the skin, which causes dry skin, resulting in cracked fingertips, need to go to the hospital dermatology, with the application of treatment of chronic eczema drugs and other symptomatic treatment. Second, the usual work requires long-term contact with irritants or often use alkaline detergents, resulting in fingertip skin in a long-term strong irritating environment, which in turn causes fingertip cracks and so on. Third, fungal infections such as tinea cruris, which are caused by the proliferation of local skin tissue after infection with fungi, leading to skin flaking, cracking, and chapping, need to be treated symptomatically with anti-fungal medications.

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