What should I do if I have a fever during the epidemic?

Under the current epidemic, you can do this if you have a fever: 1. Put on a mask and go to the community health service center (township health center) near your home first to take your temperature; 2. If your temperature is abnormal (37.3℃ and above), you can do further DR (digital radiography) examination; 3. If your chest X-ray is normal, you can receive treatment at the community health service center or at home under the guidance of the community doctor; if your chest X-ray is If the chest film is abnormal, the community doctor will refer to the criteria for suspected cases of pneumonia with novel coronavirus infection and direct you to the fever clinic of a nearby hospital for further examination to clarify whether it is a suspected case of pneumonia with novel coronavirus infection; 4. If the test is negative, pneumonia with novel coronavirus infection can be ruled out; if it is positive, pneumonia with novel coronavirus infection will be confirmed. Content source: Xinhua News Agency “Cartoon: What to do if you have a fever? (horizontal version)

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