Is it normal for newborns to have cold hands?

Cold hands of newborns may be a normal phenomenon or an abnormal phenomenon caused by low environmental temperature, cold and fever, heart disease and other reasons. 1. Normal phenomenon: the newborn’s heart function is still not well developed, and less body fat, rich capillaries, heat dissipation faster, there may be a cold hand phenomenon, this situation is mostly considered as a normal phenomenon. 2. low environmental temperature: if the newborn is located in the environment temperature is low, long time by the cold stimulation, resulting in poor blood circulation in the endings of the limbs, there will be a cold hand phenomenon, this situation should be adjusted in time to the newborn is located in the environment temperature, to maintain the appropriate indoor temperature, is conducive to alleviate. 3. Cold and fever: If the newborn has a cold and fever, especially when the body temperature rises sharply, it is easy to appear cold hands, may also be accompanied by chills, cough, nasal congestion and other manifestations of the need for timely medical treatment. 4. heart disease: common in congenital heart disease, if the newborn suffers from the disease, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the coronary arteries, myocardial ischemia, hypoxia, may cause cold hands, may also be accompanied by feeding difficulties, heartbeat very fast, and other symptoms, need to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Newborns with cold hands, if accompanied by other obvious discomfort, it is recommended to seek medical treatment as soon as possible, to give targeted treatment and adjustment.

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