How to eat deer fetus cream and what you should pay attention to

Deer fetus cream is taken with warm boiled water or warm yellow wine, 10 grams each time, 2 times a day, pay attention not to eat radish and drink tea at the same time, should not be taken at the same time with quinoa, wulingzhi, saponaria, or its preparations, avoid cold and cold food and so on. This drug is contraindicated in pregnant women, diabetic patients should be taken with caution. People with colds and excessive menstruation should not take this medicine. Deer Fetus Ointment is a proprietary Chinese medicine, which is a dry ointment block and is used for cold and dampness under the belt, deficiency of qi and blood, etc. It has the effect of regulating menstruation and dispersing cold, replenishing qi and nourishing blood. The way to take this product is 10 grams each time, twice a day, with warm yellow wine or warm boiled water. Taking Deer Fetus Ointment should pay attention to: 1. It is not advisable to take the medicine with wulingzhi, quinoa, soap pods or their preparations, and tea and radish should not be consumed. 2. Should not be taken when you have a cold. 3. Avoid cold, raw and cold food. 4. Diabetic patients should take with caution; should not be taken by people with excessive menstruation; long-term use should be consulted with a physician. 5. Prohibit those who are allergic to this product, and be cautious of those with allergies. The adverse reactions of deer tire cream are not clear. Contraindication is contraindicated for pregnant women. If you have a need for deer fetus cream, you should take it under the diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and follow the doctor’s instructions, and you should not take it on your own to avoid causing adverse consequences.

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