Do newborns get flatulence?

Most of the newborns will have flatulence, because the newborns, due to the newborn, gastrointestinal function development is not very perfect, if usually do not pay attention to the feeding method, it is easy to lead to intestinal flatulence. Newborns often have flatulence, mainly because the digestive function is not mature, so in the absence of attention to the feeding method or the abdomen is cold, it is easy to lead to newborns appear abdominal flatulence, but also accompanied by frequent crying, refusal of milk and other aspects of the performance, in addition to intestinal infections may also have flatulence occurs. If the newborn is only mild flatulence, parents do not need special treatment, but if the flatulence is more serious, and frequent spitting up, depression, refusal of milk, etc., you need to go to the hospital in time for relevant examinations, and actively cooperate with the doctor for treatment.

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