What are the effects of ginkgo

Ginkgo is effective in benefiting spleen qi, fixing asthma and cough, reducing stool, having the effect of lowering phlegm, clearing toxins and killing worms. It has a relatively wide range of clinical applications and can lower blood lipids, especially triglycerides and cholesterol. Ginkgo can also prevent and control related diseases, such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, and cerebrovascular spasm, all of which can be treated by improving blood lipids. Ginkgo can also improve the internal environment of blood vessels and reduce the viscosity of blood, which is effective for Alzheimer’s disease caused by sclerosis. Ginkgo also has a therapeutic effect on the lungs and is particularly suitable for treating bronchial asthma, as well as relieving abdominal pain, lumbago and back pain during menstruation. Ginkgo itself has an insecticidal effect and is effective against bacterial infections.

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