What is springtime catarrhal conjunctivitis

Spring catarrhal conjunctivitis is a chronic ocular surface disease mediated by type I and type IV hypersensitivity reactions, in which patients may experience discomfort such as itching, foreign body sensation, burning sensation, etc. It is recommended that patients seek timely medical treatment. Spring catarrhal conjunctivitis, also known as seasonal conjunctivitis, has an unknown etiology and may be related to sensitization to pollen, animal dander and feathers, etc. The pathogenesis of the disease is a combination of type I hypersensitivity (rapid-onset hypersensitivity) and type IV hypersensitivity (delayed-onset hypersensitivity). In spring, patients with cicatricial conjunctivitis may exhibit discomfort such as itching of the eyes, which may be triggered by environmental factors such as dust, bright light and wind during the day, and the symptoms may be aggravated at night, and may be accompanied by other ocular symptoms such as a foreign body sensation, photophobia, pain, burning sensation, increase in mucous secretion, and lacrimation. It is recommended that patients with spring Catarrhal Conjunctivitis should seek medical attention to assess their condition and undergo treatment under the guidance of a doctor.

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