How much does an abortion cost?

The cost of abortion surgery is generally more than a thousand dollars, but different hospitals charge different standards, it is best to go to the regular hospital for surgery is safer. After the abortion, it is recommended to pay attention to rest, pay attention to strengthen the diet and nutrition, do not eat stimulating food, do not eat crabs, etc., so as not to affect the body recovery. Also pay attention to not smoking and drinking, which can easily stimulate vaginal bleeding. After abortion it is better to eat more lean meat, eggs and other foods, which can enhance resistance, and pay attention not to have intercourse within a month, which can easily cause gynecological infection. It is easy to bleed after abortion, generally a week can be recovered, but if the bleeding is long, it may be that the abortion is not clean, you need to go to the hospital for examination, if necessary, it is recommended to scrape the uterus.

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