How long can you live with persistent atrial fibrillation?

Patients with persistent atrial fibrillation cannot be rehabilitated with drugs, but surgical treatment such as radiofrequency ablation can be performed, and patients with atrial fibrillation can be converted to sinus patients, and their life expectancy is no different from that of normal people. If the patient does not want to be treated with surgery and controlled with drugs: first, the ventricular rate needs to be controlled; second, the formation of thrombus needs to be prevented. If lifelong medication life expectancy is also close to normal people, the healing is quite good so patients do not need to be nervous. In addition to radiofrequency ablation can cure atrial fibrillation, with drugs need to pay attention to two points: first, control the ventricular rate, often with amiodarone hydrochloride to control the ventricular rate. Second, anticoagulation therapy is needed. Anticoagulation therapy is currently commonly used with warfarin, but warfarin requires monitoring of INR values, so it is more troublesome. If the patient’s economic condition allows, he can also choose dabigatranate or bactrim. Patients take the medication properly, and there is no difference between life expectancy and normal people.

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