Can you drain a fistula in front of the ear with Rejuvenate solution?

Pre-auricular fistula can be treated with rehabilitation of new liquid, as appropriate, to play an auxiliary role, but drainage of pus is generally not recommended to use rehabilitation of new liquid. Rehabilitation of new liquid is mainly to promote wound healing, anti-inflammatory sterilization. The method of use can be local wet compresses, external use can be used for the wound healing after the incision of the abscess of the fistula in front of the ear, can also be used to rinse the surgical cavity, repeated rinsing can play a role in local anti-inflammatory effect, but on the drainage of pus generally have no obvious effect. Pre-auricular fistula pus can be coated with ichthyol ointment to promote inflammation or pus formation, in order to facilitate further treatment; such as infected pre-auricular fistula abscess incision and drainage or surgical resection of the fistula after infection control. The contraindications, adverse effects and precautions for the use of Rehabilitation New Liquid are not yet clear, so it should be used in accordance with medical advice. If you have a fistula in front of the ear, it is recommended that you consult a doctor and follow the doctor’s instructions for standardized treatment.

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