What’s the best way to cleanse your bowels for a day

It is recommended to drink a lot of water and eat vegetables and fruits that help to cleanse the intestines. Normal people usually have a bowel movement once a day, if there is no bowel movement for 3-5 days, consider the situation of constipation, resulting in the accumulation of intestinal toxins in the body, affecting health. It is recommended to carry out intestinal detoxification. First of all, you need to drink water in the morning, 500ml of cool boiled water is recommended to stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis and accelerate the process of defecation, it is not recommended to add salt to prevent hypertension patients aggravate the burden on the kidneys. Secondly, you need to eat more intestinal cleansing vegetables, such as: celery, radish leaves, bok choy, rape leaves, spinach and other green vegetables. Intestinal cleansing fruits: oranges, apples, tomatoes, etc., stomach acid metabolism in the body to produce alkaline substances, which help the body’s toxin discharge. Once again, micro-sweating exercises to promote gastrointestinal motility and accelerate bowel cleansing.

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