Rheumatoid Arthritis Classification Criteria (1987 and 2009)

  1987 (ARA) Classification criteria for rheumatoid arthritis
  1, Morning stiffness lasting at least 1 hour (duration of disease ≥ 6 weeks).
  2, 3 or 3 joints swollen for ≥ 6 weeks. Yao Haihong, Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, Peking University People’s Hospital
  3.Wrist, metacarpal or proximal interphalangeal arthritis in which at least one joint is swollen (disease duration ≥ 6 weeks)
  4, symmetric arthritis ≥ 6 weeks in duration
  5, rheumatoid nodules
  6, rheumatoid factor positive
  7, radiological changes: rheumatoid arthritis radiological changes, must include bone erosion or involved joints and their adjacent parts have clear bone decalcification.
  Meet 4 or more of the above 7 and exclude other arthritis
  2009 ACR/EULAR rheumatoid arthritis classification criteria
  At least one joint clearly shows synovitis
  Synovitis cannot be explained by other causes
  Scoring system for RA classification criteria
  Joint involvement
  1 large joint 0 points
  2-10 large joints 1 point
  1-3 small joints (with or without large joint involvement) 2 points
  4-10 small joints (with or without large joint involvement) 3 points
  >10 joints (at least 1 small joint involved) 5 points
  Serology (at least 1 required to confirm diagnosis)
  Negative for both RF and CCP 0 points
  RF and/or CCP low titer 1 point
  Positive RF and/or CCP high titer 2 points
  Acute phase reactants (at least 1 required for confirmation of diagnosis)
  CRP and ESR both normal 0 points
  Abnormal CRP and ESR 1 point
  Duration of symptoms
  <6 weeks 0 points
  >=6 weeks 1 point
  Note: >=6 points for diagnosis
  Joint assessment refers to joints with pressure pain and swelling, excluding distal interphalangeal joints, first metatarsophalangeal joint, and first carpometacarpal joint
  Minor joints refer to the carpal joint, metacarpophalangeal joint, proximal interphalangeal joint, 2nd-5th toe metatarsal joint, interphalangeal joint of the thumb
  Principle of highest classification score
  High titer means greater than 3 times the normal value

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