How to Relieve Sore Mouth in Early Pregnancy

Sourness of the mouth in early pregnancy may be due to early pregnancy reaction, or it may be related to diet, which can be relieved by temporary observation and dietary modification.
1. Early pregnancy reaction: For women in early pregnancy, the hormone level in the body may be disturbed, so it will cause early pregnancy reaction, such as nausea and vomiting, etc., the stomach contents refluxed into the throat, which will cause the symptom of sourness of the mouth, which is a normal phenomenon, and generally do not need special treatment.
2. Dietary factors: early pregnancy women may like to eat acid, so there will be sour mouth symptoms, you can give the dietary aspects of the regulation, maintain a light diet, nutritional balance, can eat more vegetables and fruits, is conducive to improving the adverse symptoms.
It is recommended that women should relax and take regular pregnancy checkups so as to understand their own health and the development of the fetus.

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