How to fix feeling breathless while sleeping

Feeling breathless while sleeping, may be due to excessive obesity, chronic rhinitis, bronchitis, etc., need to be taken according to the different diseases of general treatment, medication to alleviate the symptoms. 1. excessive obesity: when the body is too obese, sleep at night, because lying down easily will lead to airway narrowing, thus causing breathing difficulties, to reduce weight appropriately, mainly do more sports, diet to reduce the intake of high oil and high fat food. 2. Chronic rhinitis: due to long-term inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by irritation, resulting in nasal mucosal congestion and swelling caused by nasal breathing difficulties, can be used locally to eliminate inflammation glucocorticoid medication, such as mometasone furoate nasal spray, budesonide nasal spray, at the same time with the nasal vasoconstrictor agents, such as furosemide nasal drops, hydroxymethazoline nasal drops and so on, to help alleviate the symptoms. 3. Bronchitis: Most commonly seen in viral or bacterial infections, phlegm stagnation in the airway lumen can cause wheezing and shortness of breath. Viral infections generally do not require special medication, if the bacterial infection caused by oral, amoxicillin, cefuroxime and other antibiotic drugs. Difficulty in breathing while sleeping may also be caused by cardiovascular disease, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time to find out the cause of the problem and then cooperate with the doctor to take standardized medication and treatment.

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