Can hydrafacial and facial slimming injections be performed together?

Hydrafacial and facial slimming injections can be done together. The main component of hydrafacial injection is small molecule hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is one of the inherent components of human skin, and its role is mainly to retain water, moisturize, maintain the skin hydrated and lubricated. The hydration needle is generally based on the small molecule hyaluronic acid to add some other substances, such as adding vitamin C can whitening, adding platelet-rich plasma can anti-aging. Hydrafacial injections are generally injected into the dermis layer of the skin. The main component of the face slimming injection is botulinum toxin, which is injected into the facial bite muscle to block the nerve to muscle nutrition, and the muscle gradually atrophies to achieve the purpose of slimming the face. The levels of the two injections are different, and the effects are different, so they can usually be used in combination in the clinic. It’s like marching into battle, you can use the army or the air force, and the army and air force can work better in tandem.

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