When is hysterectomy recommended?

Conditions that need to be considered for uterine removal generally include uterine tumors, obstetric emergencies, abnormal bleeding from the uterus, and severe lesions of the adnexa. 1. Uterine tumor: if the uterine fibroids are malignant, or if they are benign tumors but large in size, it is also necessary to consider removing the uterus to avoid cancerous transformation. 2. Obstetric emergencies: Especially when the mother has postpartum hemorrhage, it is necessary to consider hysterectomy to stop the bleeding. Other serious diseases, such as uterine rupture, severe prolapse of the uterus, uterine inversion and uterine vascular malformation, etc., also need to be considered for hysterectomy. 3. Abnormal uterine bleeding: If the uterine bleeding is prolonged and cannot be stopped by medication or other interventions, removal of the uterus should also be considered. 4. Adnexal lesions: For more severe cases of adnexal lesions, ovariectomy and salpingo-oophorectomy may be considered, and in some cases, removal of the uterus may be necessary to prevent uterine involvement. In addition, the removal of the uterus has certain physical and psychological effects on women, and it is recommended that women need to consult a specialist before the operation.

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