What’s wrong with the shaking of the left index finger?

Left hand index finger shaking may be related to nervousness or alcoholism, hypocalcemia, Parkinson’s disease, hyperthyroidism and many other diseases.
1. Finger shaking can be caused by nervousness or local muscle fatigue, which can be relieved by proper relaxation and local massage to promote blood circulation.
2. Large amount of alcohol intake for a short period of time can cause alcohol poisoning, resulting in uncoordinated movement, hand tremor, mental agitation and other symptoms or even coma.
3. Hypocalcemia can cause tetany, which is characterized by shaking fingers.
4. Parkinson’s disease patients may have static tremor, which usually begins in the distal part of the upper limbs, and may appear as finger shaking, as well as increased muscle tone, slow movement and other manifestations.
5. Hyperthyroidism due to excessive secretion of thyroid hormones, the body’s metabolism to enhance the emergence of muscle tremor, such as hand tremor.
There are other reasons for the left index finger shaking, it is recommended that the patient seek medical attention in a timely manner to clarify the cause of the disease and then targeted treatment.

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