Why Papular Urticaria Keeps Growing

Growing papular urticaria is usually associated with incomplete treatment, repeated exposure to disease-causing factors, and improper care.
1. Incomplete treatment: If treatment is stopped without complete treatment, the condition may rebound suddenly, leading to recurrent attacks of papular urticaria, and the symptoms may be more severe than before.
2. Repeated exposure to disease-causing factors: If you are repeatedly exposed to disease-causing factors during the treatment of pemphigus urticaria, your condition may recur, such as repeated mosquito bites.
3. Improper care: papular urticaria can cause itching and stinging of the skin, such as repeatedly touching or scratching with hands during the onset of the disease, may irritate the skin and aggravate the lesions, which is not conducive to the control of papular urticaria.
If there are several of the above conditions, it should be prevented in time to avoid the recurrence of papular urticaria. When the treatment effect is not obvious, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time.

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