Prostatitis daily care

  The prostate is the largest accessory gland in the male reproductive organ, which secretes prostatic fluid, an important part of semen, the prostate, like other organs of the body, can also be sick, the most common is chronic prostatitis, clinical findings, 25% to 50% of men have suffered from this disease.  The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things.  2, timely removal of chronic infection lesions in other parts of the body to prevent bacteria from entering the prostate from the blood.    4, the habit of timely urination, because holding urine can make urine reflux into the prostate.  5, not to sit down and ride a bicycle for a long time to avoid poor blood flow to the prostate.  6, strengthen the character cultivation, more talk, wide friends, open-minded, optimistic.  The actual fact is that you will find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on this.  In addition, there is a “eight more eight less” song, you may wish to learn: less smoke more tea, less wine more water, less sugar more fruit, less meat more vegetables, less salt more vinegar, less anger more laugh, less medicine more practice, less car more steps.

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