What to do about clogged hair follicles and acne on the face

Most of the causes of clogged follicles on the face are hormonal secretion, P. acnes infection, more oil, and abnormal keratinization of the hair follicle opening. Treatment should start with life and living, such as eating less spicy, too sweet, greasy and fried foods, and reducing bad habits such as staying up late and smoking and drinking alcohol. You must do a good job of cleaning your face, wash your face carefully, the water temperature should not be too hot, generally about 25 ℃ is appropriate, and do not rub your face. In the area of acne, if it is inflammatory acne, that is, red and swollen acne, you can apply topical benzoyl peroxide, once in the morning and once in the evening, which is used for anti-inflammatory, the pore clogging area can be coated with Adapalene gel, once a day at night, to be able to control the problem of acne very well.

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