Does the noma heal on its own?

Noma does not usually heal on its own, but it can be cured with standardized treatment. 1. Noma is a sexually transmitted disease caused by infection with the bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi, which manifests itself in multiple ulcerated lesions in the genital area, with greyish-yellow exudate on the surface and a foul odour, usually accompanied by pain and suppurative lesions in the inguinal lymph nodes. Once the chancre occurs, it is usually not self-healing. Patients should be treated actively, and sexual partners should be treated together, rather than waiting for it to heal on its own and delaying its development. 2. For noma, erythromycin ointment and ichthyosporin ointment can be used externally when the local area is not broken, and hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate can be used to rinse out when there is a breakthrough. Severe symptoms can be oral erythromycin combined treatment. During the treatment, keep the local clean and hygienic, avoid scratching. Pay attention to daily rest and strengthen nutrition. Prevention of this disease should pay attention to avoid unclean sex, sexual partner disorder, etc.. It is recommended that patients with noma should go to regular hospitals in time and receive standardized treatment under the guidance of professional doctors to avoid aggravating the condition.

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