Why do you get a hard lump in your buttocks after a progesterone shot?

Progesterone injection generally refers to the progesterone injection, progesterone injection after the appearance of hard lumps in the buttocks is due to progesterone is progesterone, is an oily liquid, injection in the muscle is not easy to absorb, it is easy to form localized hard lumps in the injection site. Don’t worry about the hard lumps in the buttocks after progesterone injection, you can promote the disappearance of hard lumps through local hot compresses or massage, or wait until the late withdrawal of the drug after the skin will slowly absorb until it disappears. In the process of using the drug on one side of the buttocks appeared hard lumps, you can tell the doctor whether you can change the injection position, to prevent local skin hard lumps aggravate the phenomenon. After each injection, you can massage the local skin with hot compresses to facilitate drug absorption and reduce the incidence of hard lumps. If the hard lump does not subside, or there is a tendency of redness, swelling and pus, then we should consult the doctor in time for examination to avoid delaying the condition.

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