Ten days after brain hemorrhage surgery, what happened to the eyes and no other consciousness?

Ten days after brain hemorrhage surgery, only eyes open without other consciousness, mainly caused by brain hemorrhage resulting in extensive damage to the cerebral cortex and white matter. After cerebral hemorrhage, the patient’s eyes are open without other consciousness, which can be called open-eyed coma, belonging to a kind of persistent vegetative state. It is considered to be caused by extensive damage to the cerebral cortex and white matter after brain hemorrhage surgery. The patient cannot perceive himself and his surroundings, cannot communicate with others, and alternates between sleep and wakefulness. When waking up, the patient opens his eyes, his vision is fixed, does not shift with external objects, does not react to external stimuli, and has no mental activity. It is suggested that after cerebral hemorrhage, doctors should take into account the actual situation of the patient and cooperate with the doctor to give corresponding treatment and therapy, which will be helpful for the recovery of consciousness.

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