Yin deficiency body suitable for moxibustion

Generally speaking, moxibustion is not suitable for a Yin deficiency constitution. Because of yin deficiency, people may have symptoms such as flushed cheeks, dry throat, hot heart (heat in the hearts of the hands and feet, and consciously feel irritable and stuffy in the heart and chest) (consciously feel hot in the hearts of the hands and feet, and feel irritable and hot in the heart and chest), hot flashes (bursts of heat) (a particular time of day when consciously feel the heat spreading to the whole body from the face or chest), and night sweats (sweating abnormally after falling asleep, and the sweating stops after waking up), etc. Moxibustion has the effect of warming the meridians and dispersing cold (warming the meridians and dispersing cold). Moxibustion, on the other hand, is warm and has the effect of warming the meridians and dispersing cold (warming the meridians of the human body to get rid of the cold in the body), which may deplete the body’s yin fluids and aggravate the symptoms of yin deficiency. Therefore, moxibustion is generally not suitable for yin deficiency. Moxibustion has the effect of warming the meridians and dispersing cold (warming the meridians of the human body to get rid of the cold in the body), supporting yang and fixing prolapse (treating prolapsed diseases by replenishing yang qi), etc. It can be used for cold diseases and prolapsed diseases, and it is also suitable for patients with yang deficiency. Yang deficiency is often characterized by a white face, fear of cold, low temperature of hands and feet, mental fatigue, and long and clear urine. Moxibustion needs to seek professional doctors to operate, please do not use on your own, so as to avoid improper operation and bring about uncomfortable reactions.

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