Infertility-Timing and Contraindications of Ovulation with HCG

  I. Timing of ovulation promotion with HCG: 1. Endometrium ≥7mm. 2. At least one follicle ≥1.8cm in diameter. 3. E2 estradiol 250-500pg/ml (each mature follicle produces E2 200pg/ml).  4, P progesterone (<3ng/ml in luteal phase).  5, intramuscular HCG 36 hours IUI or guiding the timing of intercourse.  Second, check blood E2, P (progesterone) levels on days 3, 6 and 9 after ovulation if E2 ≤ 200pg/ml and P ≤ 30ng/ml, give HCG 2000IU intramuscularly or progesterone to maintain luteal phase.  3. HCG ovulation promotion is abandoned in the following cases 1. 3 or more follicles ≥ 16mm in diameter and/or 5 follicles ≥ 11mm in diameter  2. 4 follicles or more 14mm. 3. 10 follicles 10mm. 4. E21000pg/ml. IV. If ovulation cycle is induced in outpatient clinic, estrogen monitoring level: 1. Ideal E2 concentration: 1000-1500pg/ml (2-3 mature follicles are sufficient, less than 3 mature follicles).  2. High risk value for OHSS occurrence: E2 concentration 1500-2000 pg/ml. 3. Contraindicated for HCG injection: E2 concentration > 2000 pg/ml. 4. No need to increase Gn dose when E2 concentration is linearly increasing.

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