What to do if you have black blood on your period

Black blood in menstruation may be related to qi stagnation and blood stasis (blood stagnation due to lack of circulation of qi), cold coagulation and blood stasis, etc. Pharmacological treatments are adopted through diagnosis and therapy, e.g. qi stagnation and blood stasis can be treated by adding subtractions to Wuyao Tang, and cold coagulation and blood stasis can be treated by adding subtractions to Warm Menstruation Tang. 1. Patients with qi stagnation and blood stasis usually have delayed menstrual cycle, small amount, dark red color or blood clots, abdominal distension and pain, depression, premenstrual chest and breast distension and pain, treatment should be to regulate qi and stagnation, and regulate menstruation, the formula is Wu-Yao Tang plus subtractions. 2. Patients with blood stasis due to cold condensation often have delayed menstrual cycles, low volume, dark color with lumps, cold pain in the abdomen that refuses to be pressed, pain that decreases when there is heat, fear of cold limbs (fear of cold, cold limbs), or greenish white color, treatment should be warming menstruation and dispersing cold (warming the meridians of the human body and dispelling the body’s coldness), and activating blood to regulate the menstruation (regulating the menstruation by activating the blood), and the formula should be warming the menstruation with additional subtractions. The patient should consult a doctor in a timely manner after discomfort occurs, and choose medication under the guidance of the physician’s diagnosis, and should not use medication on his/her own in order to avoid delaying his/her condition.

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